Today I woke up and discovered that my hives had gotten worse. I had them all over my face, the fronts and backs of my arms, my back, stomach, legs and feet. In fact, my hands had swollen up so big that my rings were cutting off the circulation so I had to force them off. (Not and easy task) My feet were also so swollen than I had trouble walking on them. How weird and frustrating! My fever was also up, so I decided I should go to another doctor.
I called my boss at school and he arranged for someone to take me to another doctor very close to my school. The doctor spoke surprisingly good English. He checked out my hives, asked me a bunch of questions and told me the hives weren't caused by a food allergy. Instead he said maybe I was allergic to something in my new apartment, or some other place I had been recently. Then he prescribed shots in the butt for the next three days, a bunch of pills and some cream to put on my hives. I am getting quite used to this whole butt shot thing now. haha!
So since my trip to the doctor this morning I have been feeling better. My fever is going down and my hives are looking a bit better. The swelling is going down in my hands which is making them tingle and it's a very odd sensation. I just hope that everything is gone and I am well again by Monday so that I can finish everything I need to do before Heather's and my trip to Thailand. The last thing I want is to be sick and swollen during travel.
I must say, it's pretty amazing to be living in a foreign country with your best friend. I can't express how much of a help and support it's been to have Heather here with me. She has been there for everything and for that I am forever grateful to her. I feel bad that I keep getting sick, but Heather always has a good attitude and takes care of me. I'm lucky to have such a good friend. :)